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38Years of Empowering
KCSD Retirees
Dear Retiree,
We welcome you to the Kingston Retired Teachers Federation website!
Our organization was founded in 1986 by KTF stalwarts Anna Tucker and Donald Sweeney. They realized that after they retired they didn’t feel connected to the Federation that fought for them all the years that they taught.
Since its inception, the KRTF has kept members connected. The KRTF lets its members know about the many issues that affect them and also provides opportunities to connect to each other in a more social way.
This website will also give you information about KRTF activities including Travel Club, Scholarship Information, and Luncheons. In addition, we will let you know about any other social events or groups we have planned.
Best wishes for good health and happiness in your retirement,
Elaine Arvidson and Kathy Werner
KRTF Co-Chairs
KRTF Upcoming Events
Our Union Is Still Working for Us!
Important links:
Laurie Naccarato, KTF Trust Fund
The Kingston office is only for administrative purposes. It is a closed office.
The Central Hub for the insurance is at 844-583-3863. Press “1” and do not hesitate to leave a message; you will be called back.
KRTF Members Do It All!
Vikki Crowley has created a wonderful video of activities by our members. If you would like to share your activities, please send photos or a short 10-second video to her at
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email: or
“The KRTF is a wonderful way to stay in touch with my friends and former colleagues. And nothing is better than attending your first Not-Back-to-School Luncheon!”
— Joy G.
Kingston Retired Teachers Federation (KRTF)
To bring retired educators of the Kingston Consolidated Schools together for mutual assistance, cooperation, and socialization.
To obtain all the rights to which they are entitled.
To offer liaison services to our members who have relocated.
To keep informed about educational policies.