Retiree Council 13 News

from RC-13 Representative Sandy Breitenberger

No membership fee for RC13

Members of NYSUT, once retired, are automatically members of our RC13. We accept donations to help fund our programs, but there is no membership fee. Just fill it out and mail it in, so we have your correct contact info. It helps to have updated lists of our Retirees. If you choose, you can add a donation of $10, but it is not mandatory. That’s why we say, “Union For Life!”


RC13 Sponsoring Trips

The RC 13 Social Committee has been very busy. RC13 isn’t just politics and legislation. We are Retirees who are trying to stay active, informed and enriched. We are planning more fun activities and walks throughout the Spring and Fall. Checkout our Website: You can fill out a membership form online, as well. A $10 donation to RC 13 is appreciated.

Mah Jongg Updates!

For more info and to sign up, contact Sandy Breitenberger 914-388-0779

Always check website for date changes.

January 7, 14, 23, 30

February 6, 13, 18

March 6, 13, 18, 27

Starting on April 4,2025 we will be at MHRO on Fridays.  FUN FRIDAYS will be a chance for you to play MJ, Canasta, Board Games, Puzzles, and Lots of crafts. You’ll be able to sign up the week before for 1session, or up to 3 sessions,   We’ll be there from 12-4.  Lots of time for you to have a variety of activities if you choose.  It’s a work in progress, but that’s the goal.  We want all RC13 members(that’s you, if you’re a NYSUT member and retired from any of the 5 counties we represent: Columbia, Greene, Ulster, Sullivan and Dutchess) to feel at home in our Mid Hudson Regional Office at 201 SockadeDr. in Kingston.

                                             WE WE ARE UNION FOR LIFE

Come,  spread the word among your fellow NYSUT RC13 colleagues.  Learn a new game, craft, skill, and have fun and friendship with us!  We are a very lucky bunch of folks to be part of NYSUT.  Remember that!

Questions, Concerns,Suggestions,Willingness to share your skill?

Contact Sandy Breitenberger

914-388-0779 phone or text

Our website has more details including applications, deadlines, costs and contact information.

**Sign up on the website:

**For questions or comments regarding RC 13, contact Sandy Breitenberger at or text 914-388-0779. Please put “RC13” on the memo line.

To read the latest Retiree Council 13 Newsletter click here