Blog Post One: The Birth of KRTF


On an early KRTF Travel Club jaunt.

From left, KRTF founders Anne Tucker and Don Sweeney with Robert Berger and KRTF member Cathy Berger.

The KRTF hopes that this website will be a place for all its members to get useful information and learn about the history of the Kingston Retired Teachers Federation (KRTF).

The Federation was started in 1986 by Don Sweeney and Anne Tucker with 62 retired teachers.

To quote the Silver Anniversary commemorative booklet,

In August of 1986, Anne Tucker, Don Sweeney, and a group of retired friends were sitting around after sharing a meal. Recently retired, having no place to go, they lingered over their coffee.

“Anne said to Don that it was too bad that there wasn’t a union for retired teachers. Don agreed. Anne continued to sip her coffee and said, ‘Why not?’ And the rest is history! At Anne’s urging, Don became a co-founder, and the Kingston Retired Teachers Federation was born.”

Anne was not one to let grass grow under her feet, and soon she and Don sent the letter below to the retirees.


August 4, 1986

Dear Retirees,

Should we as retired educators organize as a chapter of the KTF? Many of us believe that such a move would be beneficial in many ways.

Currently we are investigating dental coverage from Blue Cross through a retired teacher chapter of the Federation. This coverage, we anticipate, will be the same coverage that has been available to teachers. The cost of the coverage will be approximately $100 per year for an individual.

Membership in the SFT and NYSUT will carry with it their benefits, programs, and assistance.

As an organized group, our lobbying effort locally and on the state level will be more effective.

Also we can work closely with the KTF members for our mutual benefit.

Your annual dues will include the regular fees to the AFT ($17.55) and NYSUT ($10.00) as well as local affiliation ($2.45).


Anne Tucker & Don Sweeney

Thus, 35 years ago was the Kingston Retired Teachers Federation born, through the vision and determination of two local union leaders.

The KRTF has accomplished much in those 35 years, and with your involvement and participation, much more will be done to benefit our retirees and our community.


KTF Watershed Events